Session 4 Begins!

The last 2-Week-Session of 2019 has officially begun. We’ve had our Camp Tours, Respect Circle and Swim Review. The home-style dinner of fried chicken, mashed taters and green beans was delicious. Tonight’s Evening Program, Upper Council Fire, introduces time-honored traditions of song and the always insightful retelling of the Chief Seattle Letter. It’s the first night and it already feels like we’re all embracing the GRP vibe. It has to be a bit daunting for our new campers, to step into a completely new setting, surrounded by literally hundreds of new faces, but these young guys and gals are more graceful and full of joy than you can imagine. It’s not only because they each bring their own beautiful personalities to the Preserve, it’s also because this place does something to you. It awakens your soul. It refreshes your mind. It gives life to ideas and personal growth, for everyone that’s a part of the experience. It’s funny how each session brings it’s own unique formula of campers and staff, which, in itself, creates a timeless gathering of like-minded people, the likes of which we’ve never before seen and may never see again. We have all come together in the magical kingdom of Green River Preserve and we’re all about to have the time of our lives.

Story and photos by Brandon S. Marshall