Classic GRP

Campers coming to GRP for a one-week session have just four full days to get a taste of the magic that happens here…but usually, four days is enough! We make sure this precious time is packed with the classics–favorite Mentor Hikes, Evening Programs, and activities make up our schedule for this week. Our Mentor Groups venture to some of GRP’s quintessential hike spots, getting the chance to Polar Bear at Uncle’s Falls, search for snakes on Upper Bald, or feed a pig at the farm. Campers also get to try out six new activities this week, some stabbing and jabbing in Fencing, aiming for the dream shot in Archery or BB Skeet, or making projects to bring home in Drawing & Painting or Arts & Crafts. Tonight, campers will try their hand at Predator Prey, a camp-wide game that lets cabins take on life as an insect, frog, snake, or hawk; other Evening Programs this week will include a Variety Show, Pirate Night, and, on our closing night, an Upper Council Fire and candlelight ceremony to commemorate this week. GRP has so much more to offer, but we pack everything we can into these few days. The one-week session is just the tip of the iceberg here at GRP!

Story by Lillie Wright with photos by Brandon S. Marshall & Samantha Keebler