Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Here are a few words from one of our Blue Ridge Expedition Leaders who’s about to embark on a great adventure. We’re honored to have him in the GRP family and proud to support his journey.

Hello! My name is William Langford and I am hiking the Appalachian Trail starting on August 10th. The Appalachian Trail(or AT) is a 2,1923-mile footpath that runs from Mt. Katahdin in Maine to Springer Mountain in Georgia. While hiking the AT, my goal is to have open and vulnerable conversations about mental health to help end the stigma around it. With that said, I am raising funds for the scholarship fund at GRP and supporting myself on the trail. I believe being in nature is one of the most cathartic things and is priceless when it comes to mental health.

Visit This Link to support my journey and the scholarship fund at GRP.