The Close of Session 2

Session 2 has come to an end, but for our session 2 campers, that doesn’t quite mean that it’s over. The stories that campers have to tell will live on for at least the length of the car ride home and quite possibly for the rest of the summer. Maybe even longer. Friendships made here may very well last a lifetime. While the staff cleans up the cabins and the lodge and the activity studios, our campers are on their way back to life outside the perimeter of GRP. With a little luck and lots of love, the memories here will pass through their thoughts from time to time, often bringing smiles and a feeling of joy.

Closing ceremonies never cease to amaze. Between the reverence of the readings of the Woodcraft Laws and Sandy’s letter, we feel the power of the soul of this place. The circle of Spirit Stones grew around the outer edge of the firepit, as our campers each left their painted rock behind. The Green River Ramblers welcomed more than a few new bandmates and we all sang along to their eversweet melodies. For the remainder of the evening, we set our Wishboats into the lake and hugged each other tightly for what would be our last night together, before slipping into Cabinville and allowing ourselves to enjoy a final night’s rest before morning pickup.

Until next time, seek the joy of being alive!

Story by Brandon S. Marshall with photos by Samantha Keebler & Brandon S. Marshall

To end the last blog of Session 2, we’d love to share a piece of poetry, written by Camper Adelaide, from Sassafrass.

“Frozen pine forest covers the earth with dark gloomy brown with nothing to see nothing to do, nothing is ever found.

Dirt covers the ground and nothing makes a sound. There’s nothing to see nothing to do, the frozen pine forest is found.”